Work-Life Balance

Person A

To be honest, I keen on going to the office every day. Having a physical space that defines my job really helps me separate work and home life. I wouldn’t say I am close with any one I work with, but we do have some pleasant office banter which helps pass the time. When I leave my job, I don’t think about it at all and I can focus all my energy on my two-year old. The salary isn’t the greatest, but we get over a month of vacation time a year and sick days. It’s ideal for a working mom like me because I can use them to take care of my daughter.


Person B

Every morning, I listen to music as I get ready. I feel like this habit really helps me get into the mood for work. It’s not that I hate my job, but I just despise the journey. It sometimes takes me over an hour to get to the office by public transport, and if there’s delays, that figure could double. Some of my friends have the flexibility to do their jobs from home, but unfortunately my boss has not come around to that idea yet. We get free coffee and lunch catered at work, but I would gladly prepare my own food if it meant I could save hours of my life travelling to and from the office.


Person C

I’m in between jobs at the moment. Even though my last job was perfectly suited to my university degree and close to home, it wasn’t the right fit for me. My boss had unrealistic expectations and my coworkers were so competitive and unsupportive. Some say that’s what working in Journalism is like everywhere. It’s nice to be taking a break from such a negative environment, and I am using this time to focus on my interests. I have been designing jewelry in my free time, and I am very passionate about it. I might even try to turn it into a career.


Person D

I worked for a company for six years and made some incredible bonds with my colleagues. What started off as an occasional after work happy hour outing to celebrate the end of the week turned into life-long friendships. I think that is common when you work in such a stressful environment. The salary was quite generous, so I didn’t mind the long hours at the time. That being said, I quit when I got married. I can’t imagine having a family under those working conditions. I now work for a different firm, but I still see all of my old coworkers regularly.

Các bạn hãy đọc các phát biểu và cho biết các quan điểm sau thuộc về người nào.

1. developed relationships at work?

Chọn đán án

2. is a parent?

Chọn đán án

3. is unemployed?

Chọn đán án

4. wants to change industries?

Chọn đán án

5. has a routine?

Chọn đán án

6. has a long commute?

Chọn đán án

7. has good benefits?

Chọn đán án

Giải thích READING - TEST 3 - 4

1. Person D

developed relationships at work?

phát triển mối quan hệ tại nơi làm việc?

Person D: “I worked for a company for six years and made some incredible bonds with my colleagues.”

Người D: “Tôi đã làm việc cho một công ty trong sáu năm và tạo dựng được một số mối quan hệ tuyệt vời với đồng nghiệp của mình.”


2. Person A

is a parent?

là một phụ huynh?

Person A: “I can focus all my energy on my two-year old.”

Người A: “Tôi có thể tập trung toàn bộ năng lượng của mình vào đứa con hai tuổi của tôi.”


3. Person C

is unemployed?

thất nghiệp?

Person C: “I’m in between jobs at the moment.”

Người C: “Hiện tại tôi đang giữa các công việc.”


4. Person C

wants to change industries?

muốn thay đổi ngành nghề?

Person C: “I have been designing jewelry in my free time, and I am very passionate about it. I might even try to turn it into a career.”

Người C: “Tôi đã thiết kế trang sức trong thời gian rảnh rỗi và tôi rất đam mê nó. Tôi thậm chí có thể thử biến nó thành một nghề nghiệp.”


5. Person B

has a routine?

có một thói quen?

Person B: “Every morning, I listen to music as I get ready.”

Người B: “Mỗi sáng, tôi nghe nhạc khi chuẩn bị.”


6. Person B

has a long commute?

có quãng đường đi làm dài?

Person B: “It sometimes takes me over an hour to get to the office by public transport.”

Người B: “Đôi khi tôi mất hơn một giờ để đến văn phòng bằng phương tiện công cộng.”


7. Person A

has good benefits?

có phúc lợi tốt?

Person A: “We get over a month of vacation time a year and sick days.”

Người A: “Chúng tôi có hơn một tháng nghỉ phép mỗi năm và ngày nghỉ ốm.”

Thiếu câu
