How was the movie?

Person A

I had high expectations for this film. It’s a sequel I had been looking forward to since the end of the last one. I even went to the cinema alone so that I wouldn’t be interrupted by anyone. But, was I ever let down! The special effects were so unrealistic and poorly done. There was very little character development and too many plot holes in the story line. I can’t believe I waited a whole year for that. The only saving grace was the lead actor. He played his part well, but I can’t say the same for the others.


Person B

I don’t really like watching movies in the cinema. I would much rather stay in and stream one at home. My friends really wanted to see this new film, so I joined them on a whim. The tickets cost an arm and a leg and I couldn’t believe the prices for concessions! I could buy 3 packages of popcorn at the supermarket for the price of medium size! Was the movie good? Well, yes, it was alright, but I could have done without spending all that money!


Person C

Normally, I avoid films that are based on books that I have read. I don’t feel like they ever do the literature any justice. However, this one was the exception. The director really respected the author’s vision and included all the necessary plot points. Of course, some details were missing, but if they were included, the film would be like 6 hours long. The set was also amazing. Overall, I can’t find a flaw! That being said, I still don’t think I’ll watch any other book-based movies.


Person D

I can’t stand musicals. I think there are too many dance numbers and not enough content. So, I was hesitant when my girlfriend wanted to go watch one. I can’t believe I am admitting it, but it blew me away! The emotion of the actors was incredible. I laughed. I cried. I did think it could include a bit more dialogue though. Action films are still my favourite, but I definitely will give musicals another chance after enjoying this one so much.

Các bạn hãy đọc các phát biểu và cho biết các quan điểm sau thuộc về người nào.

1. watched a different genre?

Chọn đán án

2. attended the cinema unaccompanied?

Chọn đán án

3. disliked the experience?

Chọn đán án

4. thought the film was perfect?

Chọn đán án

5. watched the movie impulsively?

Chọn đán án

6. only liked part of the cast?

Chọn đán án

7. would watch something similar in the future?

Chọn đán án

Giải thích READING - TEST 2 - 4

1. Person A

attended the cinema unaccompanied?

đã đi xem phim một mình?

Person A: “I even went to the cinema alone so that I wouldn’t be interrupted by anyone.”

Người A: “Tôi thậm chí đã đi xem phim một mình để không bị ai làm phiền.”


2. Person B

watched the movie impulsively?

đã xem phim một cách ngẫu hứng?

Person B: “My friends really wanted to see this new film, so I joined them on a whim.”

Người B: “Bạn bè tôi thực sự muốn xem bộ phim mới này, vì vậy tôi đã tham gia cùng họ một cách ngẫu hứng.”


3. Person B

disliked the experience? không thích trải nghiệm này?

Person B: “I don’t really like watching movies in the cinema.

I would much rather stay in and stream one at home.”

Người B: “Tôi thực sự không thích xem phim ở rạp. Tôi thích ở nhà và xem phim trực tuyến hơn.”


4. Person C

thought the film was perfect?

nghĩ rằng bộ phim hoàn hảo?

Person C: “Overall, I can’t find a flaw!”

Người C: “Tổng thể, tôi không thể tìm thấy một lỗi nào!”


5. Person D

watched a different genre?

đã xem một thể loại khác?

Person D: “I can’t stand musicals. I think there are too many dance numbers and not enough content. So, I was hesitant when my girlfriend wanted to go watch one.”

Người D: “Tôi không thể chịu được nhạc kịch. Tôi nghĩ có quá nhiều màn nhảy múa và không đủ nội dung. Vì vậy, tôi đã do dự khi bạn gái muốn đi xem một bộ phim nhạc kịch.”


6. Person A

only liked part of the cast?

chỉ thích một phần của dàn diễn viên?

Person A: “The only saving grace was the lead actor. He played his part well, but I can’t say the same for the others.”

Người A: “Điểm sáng duy nhất là nam diễn viên chính. Anh ấy đã diễn rất tốt, nhưng tôi không thể nói điều tương tự về những người khác.”


7. Person D

would watch something similar in the future?

sẽ xem một thứ tương tự trong tương lai?

Person D: “Action films are still my favourite, but I definitely will give musicals another chance after enjoying this one so much.”

Người D: “Phim hành động vẫn là yêu thích của tôi, nhưng tôi chắc chắn sẽ cho nhạc kịch một cơ hội khác sau khi thích bộ phim này rất nhiều.”

Thiếu câu
