Question 1. What class was the teacher assigned?

(A) English

(B) History

(C) Geography


Question 2. What day is the Mathematics test?

(A) Monday

(B) Tuesday

(C) Friday


Question 3. What was the class average on the English test?

(A) 60%

(B) 70%

(C) 75%


Question 4. What team will the teacher coach this year?

(A) Volleyball

(B) Football

(C) Basketball


Question 5. Where is the staff holiday party?

(A) At school

(B) At a restaurant

(C) At a banquet hall


Question 6. Two coworkers are talking about their upcoming conference. What time is the meeting?

(A) 4:45 pm

(B) 4:45 pm

(C) 4:00 pm


Question 7. How much is the library's new late fee?

(A) $ 0.25 / a day

(B) $ 1.00 / a day

(C) $ 2.00 / a day


Question 8. What did the student bring for show and tell?

(A) A book

(B) A doll

(C) A pet


Question 9. According to the new dress code, what can't the teachers wear?

(A) Jeans

(B) Suits

(C) Shorts


Question 10. What room number is the substitute teacher's classroom?

(A) 12

(B) 13

(C) 30


Question 11. Two friends are discussing the new teacher. What do they think?

(A) She's easy to understand.

(B) She's friendly.

(C) She's young.


Question 12. What food will there be at the staff brunch?

(A) Fruit

(B) Eggs and toast

(C) Pastries


Question 13. What will the teacher do on her day off?

(A) Go to a salon

(B) Go camping

(C) Go shopping


Chọn đáp án đúng

Question 1.

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Question 2.

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Question 3.

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Question 4.

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Question 5.

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Question 6.

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Question 7.

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Question 8.

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Question 9.

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Question 10.

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Question 11.

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Question 12.

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Question 13.

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Giải thích TEST 5: LISTENING Aptis

Question 1:

What class was the teacher assigned? 

Although I studied English and history in university, I decided to become a teacher. I expected to teach one of those subjects, but the only job available was for geography. It takes me a lot of time to prepare my lessons now to make sure that they are all accurate, but I'm glad to finally be working.


Question 2:

What day is the mathematics test?

I would usually give tests on Fridays. I do this because then students can be free on their weekend. However, this unit of math was a bit longer than usual. I decided to give the students the weekend to study the material before a class review lesson on Monday. Hopefully, the students will feel better prepared for the test on Tuesday.


Question 3:

What was the class average on the English test?

My class was quite discouraged after their last English test. In fact, most students scored poorly and the class average was only 60%. Even my brightest pupil only got a 75%. I decided to give them a makeup exam as a chance to build their confidence and increase their scores. We spent a lot of time reviewing and the class average increased to 70%.


Question 4:

What team will the teacher coach this year?

Our school's volleyball team needed a new coach, so they asked me. I have coached basketball teams in the past to some success, and I played football as a team too. My favorite part was how inspiring my coach was. Sport has always been a passion of mine, and I have decided to accept the position. I hope I can motivate some teens.


Question 5:

Where is the staff holiday party?

I'm quite satisfied with the decision of where the holiday party is this year. Last year it was a grand event at a fancy banquet hall. I spent so much money on a new outfit and shoes instead. This year we're having it at a local restaurant. It is much more laid back than a lavish celebration, but still more meaningful than a meal at school.


Question 6:

Two coworkers are discussing a staff meeting. What time is the meeting?

Do you know what time our staff meeting is? Our lessons finished at 3:45 on Friday?

Yeah. Unfortunately it isn't for another hour after that. I wish it were at four. Like usual.

Wow, really? What a waste of time. I wish we could just get it over with earlier.


Question 7:

How much is the library's new late fee?

I took my students on a trip to the library and was shocked to find out that they had changed their late return policy. When I was a kid, it was only a quarter per day, but today I found out that it was eight times that the librarian said it was to encourage patrons to bring back books on time. Surely that could be done at $1 a day. I think double that is a bit unreasonable.


Question 8:

How much is the library's new late fee?

I had an interesting day at work today. We had a show and tell class where students could bring in something to share with the class that they love and explain why. You know, like a book or a toy of some sort. But today I had a student who brought his lizard. That's right, a alive animal. The class loved it, but after I called home, his parents were not pleased.


Question 9:

According to the new dress code, what can't the teachers wear?

The principal discussed our new dress code at the meeting today. There were some important changes. For starters, we are allowed to wear jeans. Now, of course, they must be dressed up with a blazer or button up shirt. Despite that, it is a nice change from wearing uncomfortable suits every day. We are still unable to wear shorts, which will be hard in the summer with no air conditioning.


Question 10:

What room number is the substitute teacher's classroom?

I got lost at work today. It was so embarrassing. I thought I heard the principal say that I was in room 13. When I arrived, I noticed that no one was in there. I popped into room 12 to ask the teacher, and she told me I misunderstood. I should have been in room 30. I quickly ran up the stairs and got there before class began.


Question 11:

Two friends are discussing a new teacher, what do they think?

What did you think of our new English teacher? She's quite a bit older than our last one

For sure, and she's much stricter. However, I really like her lessons. She explains everything so clearly.

Yeah, I totally agree. I am learning a lot in her class.


Question 12:

What food will there be at the staff brunch?

Have you seen the memo about the staff meeting? Since it is at 7:30 AM it said that they're providing us with breakfast. If it were eggs and toast, I would be more excited. Rather, they're offering a selection of pastries from the new French bakery that's quite decadent for a morning meal. I wish they had some fruit or something healthier.


Question 13:

What will the teacher do on her day off?

Thank goodness it's Friday. My sister asked me if I wanted to go shopping tomorrow, but I have a few appointments. I can't wait to spend my day off pampering myself. I need to get my nails done and maybe a massage after camping last weekend, followed by a full work week. I definitely need it.

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