Question 1. Listen to the message. What time does the shop close on weekends?

(A) 8:30 pm

(B) 8:00 pm

(C) 7:30 pm


Question 2. A man is ordering lunch. What dessert does he order?

(A) Peanut butter cookies

(B) Chocolate chip cookies

(C) Ice-cream


Question 3. Marisol asks her brother for a favour. What does she need?

(A) To lend her money

(B) To buy a gift

(C) To pick her up


Question 4. The woman is shopping. What does she need to buy?

(A) A dress

(B) Shoes

(C) A handbag


Question 5. A teacher is speaking to a student. Why is the teacher upset with the student?

(A) She didn’t do her homework.

(B) She had a poor test score.

(C) She was late.


Question 6. Two friends are discussing a film they watched. What did the girl most like about it?

(A) The special effects

(B) The cast

(C) The costumes


Question 7. Joseph is talking to his parents. Why is he late for dinner?

(A) He didn’t realize the time.

(B) The bus broke down.

(C) There was


Question 8. Julia is making a dentist appointment. What time is it at?

(A) 12:30

(B) 2:30

(C) 4:30


Question 9. A man is at a job interview. Why did he leave his last job?

(A) The pay

(B) The commute

(C) His colleagues


Question 10. A reporter is giving a weather forecast. What is the weather for tomorrow?

(A) It’s sunny.

(B) It’s boiling.

(C) It’s rainy.


Question 11. Two colleagues are discussing what to have for lunch. What do they order?

(A) Burritos

(B) Pizza

(C) Salads


Question 12. A man is describing his home renovations. What was the most expensive change?

(A) Bathroom

(B) Bedroom

(C) Kitchen


Question 13. Listen to the message a mom leaves for the daycare. Why will the child be absent today?

(A) He’s sick.

(B) He is upset.

(C) They’re on holiday.


Chọn đáp án đúng

Question 1.

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Question 2.

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Question 3.

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Question 4.

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Question 5.

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Question 6.

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Question 7.

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Question 8.

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Question 9.

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Question 10.

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Question 11.

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Question 12.

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Question 13.

Chọn đán án

Giải thích TEST 3: LISTENING Aptis

Question 1:

Listen to the message. What time does the shop close on weekends?

Hello. Thank you for calling Polly's Paints. Unfortunately, if you are hearing this message, we must be closed. Our hours during the working week are from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM on weekends. We open half an hour later and close half an hour earlier. We hope to see you then.


Question 2:

A man is ordering lunch. What dessert does he order?

I see that you have a few options for dessert as part of the combo. What do we have here? Oh, cookies. Yum. Oh wait. I'm allergic to peanut butter, so I can't have those. I should be a bit coarsed with a chocolate chip as well, because they're probably made in the same place. I'll go for the ice cream just to be safe.


Question 3:

Marisol asks her brother for a favor. What does she need?

Hey brother, I need some help. I know I already owe you money, but I really need you to get a gift for mom's birthday. I ordered one online, but the shipping was delayed. I know you work at the mall, so it should be easy enough to find something. I'll pick you up an hour after work so we can go straight to the party.


Question 4:

The woman is shopping. What does she need to buy?

I just love this store. Everything fits so well and the clothes are just great quality. Oh, look at this dress. Wouldn't it be fabulous on me, <laugh>? I know. I know. It's not in the budget. I came in here with a purpose to find comfortable footwear to match my handbag. Let's go to a different store.


Question 5:

A teacher is speaking to a student. Why is the teacher upset with the student?

I must admit, I am very disappointed with you, despite always completing your homework and having excellent test results. Your lack of punctuality is really having an effect on your overall grade. If you continue to arrive after the bell rings, you will not be permitted to enter class.


Question 6:

Speaker 1: Two friends are discussing a film they watched. What did the girl most like about it?

Speaker 2: So what did you think of the new superhero movie? I thought the actors were excellent.

Speaker 3: Yeah, I thought they were pretty good. I wasn't a huge fan of their outfits, though. They looked low budget.

Speaker 2: Yeah, I agree. But they must have spent a fortune on special effects. Everything looked so realistic.

Speaker 3: Oh, absolutely. I loved the way they made the characters fly in teleport. That was my favorite part. 


Question 7:

Joseph is talking to his parents. Why is he late for dinner?

Hey, mom and dad, I'm really sorry that I missed dinner. I could make up some story about how my bus was in an accident or how there was such heavy traffic, but I don't wanna lie to you. I forgot my watch at home and my mobile phone died, so I really didn't know the time. I apologize for making you worry.


Question 8:

Speaker 1: Julia is making a dentist appointment. What time is it at?

Speaker 2: Hi. I'd like to make an appointment for a dental cleaning, please.

Speaker 3: Sure. How about 2:30?

Speaker 2: No, unfortunately I'm still at work. Then I could come on my lunch break at 2:30 if that's okay, but I think I have a cavity.

Speaker 3: Hmm. No, that might take some time. Why don't you come in after work is 4:30 okay?

Speaker 2: Yes. That is perfect. See you then.


Question 9:

A man is at a job interview. Why did he leave his last job?

Well, to be honest with you, I really enjoyed my last job. I became friends with most of my coworkers, and the salary was good as well. What really killed me though, was the journey to and from work. I was spending a fortune on public transport and a lot of time it really started to take a toll on me, and I need to be closer to home.


Question 10:

A reporter is giving a weather forecast. What is the weather for tomorrow?

It has been absolutely boiling these past few days. I know most of you have been getting used to these sunny skies and I hate to rain on your parade, but that is exactly what is going to happen tomorrow. You should be expecting some precipitation for the next 24 to 48 hours before we return to nice hot weather.


Question 11:

Two colleagues are discussing what to have for lunch. What do they order?

I'm really craving Mexican food today. What are you thinking? Mm,

We had that last week and I felt so full I couldn't do any work after.

So are you suggesting something healthy? A salad? Perhaps

Not exactly, but something lighter than a burrito. What about pizza? At least that's more manageable.


Question 12:

A man is describing his home renovations. What was the most expensive change?

I'm so happy to be finally fixing this place up. He has taken me ages to get round to finally saving up the money to fix up the new kitchen. I thought the tiles in the bathroom would've cost the most, but who knew that installing new counters and buying new appliances would be double that. At least I saved money on painting the bedroom myself.


Question 13:

Listen to the message A mom leaves for the daycare. Why will the child be absent today?

Hi, this is Ryan's mom. I'm just letting you know that Ryan will be staying home today. Poor little guy has a fever and a cough. He's really sad to miss his friends at daycare, but I can't let him infect the other children. We need him to have a full recovery before we take our summer vacation in two weeks, so it's best that he stays home for the day.


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