Question 14. Four people are discussing their views on shopping. Complete the sentences. Use each answer only once. You will not need two of the reasons.

Person 1

Person 2

Person 3

Person 4


Question 15. Listen to two teachers discussing potential modifications to their language school. Read the statements and decide whose opinion matches the best: the man's, the woman's or both. Who expresses which opinion?

15.1  The school should provide better WIFI.

15.2  Teachers need access to more classroom technology.

15.3  Online classes are exciting to teach.

15.4  Field trips are an essential part of the curriculum.

(A) Woman 

(B) Man

(C) Both



Question 16. Listen to a lecturer giving a talk about environmental concerns and answer the questions.

16.1 What is his overall opinion?

(A) Environmental problems require more concern than social and economic ones.

(B) Global warming and poverty carry equal prominence.

(C) The world will go to war over environmental issues.


16.2 What is his prediction for natural disasters?

(A) They will disappear if we can create less pollution.

(B) They will begin to affect developed countries.

(C) They will worsen with time.


Question 17. Listen to a human resources manager giving his review on employee performance and answer the questions.

17.1 How does the human resources manager feel about the company’s achievements?

(A) She agrees with most of the employees.

(B) She believes that they are under target

(C) She thinks that workers must improve their skills more.


17.2 What is her opinion of the issues facing the workplace?

(A) They will take a lot of problem-solving measures.

(B) They are minor concerns.

(C) They must be addressed immediately with new hires.

Chọn đáp án đúng

Question 15.1.

Chọn đán án

Question 15.2.

Chọn đán án

Question 15.3.

Chọn đán án

Question 15.4.

Chọn đán án

Question 16.1.

Chọn đán án

Question 16.2.

Chọn đán án

Question 17.1.

Chọn đán án

Question 17.2.

Chọn đán án

Question 14

1. Person 1

Your answer here:

2. Person 2

Your answer here:

3. Person 3

Your answer here:

4. Person 4

Your answer here:

Kéo đáp án vào phần trả lời

  • A dislikes online shopping.
  • B thinks before purchasing.
  • C spends a lot of money.
  • D is an impulse buyer.
  • E only shops during certain periods.
  • F prefers to shop alone.

Giải thích TEST 1: LISTENING Aptis - 2

Question 14:

Speaker 1:

Four people are discussing their views on shopping. Complete the sentences below.

Speaker 2:

I never understood why people like to go to the shopping center with their friends. One person might want to go to one store while the other needs something from another too, and they just end up wasting a whole day there. When I need something, I just go out on my own. That way I don't have to wait around for other people to finish their shopping, and no one needs to wait for me.

Speaker 3:

I have to admit, I am a bit of a shopaholic, particularly when it comes to houseware and decorations. I always intend on just browsing through the shop, but the next thing I know, I'm picking up several things on a whim. At least these things are usually secondhand or on sale, so I'm not blowing all of my money. My husband can't stand this. He's a very practical shopper who puts a lot of thought and research into his purchases. I guess we can say that we are totally opposites in that aspect.

Speaker 4:

I don't usually have time to shop as much as I would like given my busy work schedule, but I must admit that I'm not very keen on using the internet to make purchases. I have heard horror stories about credit card fraud and packages seem to go missing all of the time. Of course, I'll order things if I have to or if I see a much better price than in store. But if I had the means, I would almost certainly always shop in stores.

Speaker 1:

Being a university student has really changed how I shop. I used to be known as a fashionista, always wearing the latest trends and having new clothing. I just can't afford that lifestyle anymore. However, I have found great success in shopping the sales, you know, just after Christmas or in summer when everything is heavily discounted by only venturing to the mall. During these times, I have found that I'm able to get a real bang for a buck, and I come out with more clothing for less money than I would've spent buying these items throughout the year. 


Question 15:

Speaker 1:

Listen to two teachers discussing potential modifications to their language school, read the statements and decide whose opinion matches the best, the man's, the woman's, or both,

Speaker 2:

Right? So we need to complete these surveys and what we think would really make this place better for learning. What do you think about the state of technology in the school?

Speaker 1:

Well, I definitely think that that area could be improved on the most. There's no excuse why we shouldn't have accessible wifi in all parts of the campus. It is so slow. If you can even connect to the network, students need to do research, complete assignments, et cetera.

Speaker 2:

I see your point, but I dunno if I feel the same. Don't you think that they would just use it to check their social media and send messages in class?

Speaker 1:

I think you need to put a bit more trust in your students. On another note, it's not just the wifi that needs improvement. We need more classroom technology. Only two rooms have projectors and we have to book the room a week in advance. Sometimes it would just be nice to show a short video clip to reinforce the subject.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I couldn't agree more with that. It would also greatly cut down on our planning time too, as we would be able to create slideshows and reuse them semester after semester and think about all the paper we would save by not having to constantly make photocopies. I think it is in their best interest to invest in more technological devices for classroom use.

Speaker 1:

Yep. And we may well be moving into that direction. Did you see how the school is starting to advertise online classes? Right now, they only offer two elective classes, but I'd be keen on teaching one. I think it would be a great experience and a lot of fun.

Speaker 2:

I know that online courses are probably the way of the future, but I can't say I'm eager about them in the slightest. I think there are too many technical issues that can go wrong and it would waste a lot of time. I also prefer getting to know my students on a face-to-face basis.

Speaker 1:

Well, I know I would rather teach online than have to attend the mandatory weekend field trips that they're implementing. I already think that only having Saturday and Sunday to relax isn't enough time as is

Speaker 2:

Really. I'm actually quite excited for those. For starters, I'm new to the area and think it would be a great chance to see the sites. It does involve a bit of overtime, but think about how much they enhance the student's experience. Learning outside of a classroom is just as important as learning inside one.


Question 16:

Listen to a lecturer giving a talk about environmental concerns and answer the questions. A popular mindset in our modern society is that too much of our financial resources are being invested into preserving our environment as much as possible. People contend that there are more important issues to consider before expanding all our capital, fighting against global warming or deforestation. However, I have to disagree with those opinions as environmental problems should be dealt with immediately.

Sure. Malnutrition, poverty and violence, or some examples of insurmountable problems that the world is facing right now. Yet it does not mean that the environmental troubles are less important. For instance, the amount of potable water, which is vital for our existence, is decreasing considerably. Rivers and lakes are getting drier and drier. People are still wasting water in developed countries by not turning off the taps when not in use, and overpopulation is making the shortage worse.

Even though we have developed very sophisticated systems to recycle rainwater, not every country has the means or infrastructure to implement it. It is true that we must eradicate food insecurity and violence, but it is also true that the water dilemma could trigger more complications in the worst of the scenarios. Who knows? A war may be furthermore, air, water, soil, and even sound pollution is responsible for causing global warming.

In particular, the climate in most countries, particularly developing ones, is being modified aggressively every year due to the melting of the glassier. Relatedly, we have witnessed more tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, fires, and so on in our lifetime than ever before. And I believe the situation will exacerbate these disasters will become more catastrophic and frequent. Natural disasters and global warming go hand in hand, and as a matter of time, that they will destroy us if we do not pay attention.

Now, reducing pollution is a small step in the right direction, but everyone must be on board. It is critical to work on economic and social issues, but it is slightly more crucial to take care of our planet because it is our home. It is where we live. The future of our existence depends on what we are willing to do today.


Question 17:

Listen to a human resources manager giving his review on employee performance and answer the questions below. I have decided to conduct this analysis to give an overview of the achievements and the problems found in the work environment. Up until now, our company's employees were invited to respond to an online questionnaire in order to find out what objectives and difficulties were observed in their workplace. According to the collected data, the overwhelming majority, myself included, feels that many advancements have been made in the last six months in meeting the business' needs.

Indeed, as figures show, the productivity has risen by 10% in the last quarter as well as the company's sales. Also, from an individual perspective, there has been considerable growth in improving both personal, soft and hard skills. Workers feel that they are more confident when dealing with client needs and problem solving in general, when it comes to the problems related to the work.

Generally speaking, it can be said that there are no big concerns to be worried about. Although considering the results of the survey, much more could be done. In enhancing the team colleagues feel that they would enjoy more collaborative projects as these help foster creativity. Moreover, as our team increases, it is important to note that each new member is properly onboarded and integrated into their new role. In light of the results of the survey, I would make the following suggestions.

Investing in team building programs would certainly help to build a stronger community. Having employees know one another would also improve morale in the workplace. Moreover, raising awareness about discriminatory behavior should also be reviewed. As we are a rapidly growing team, it is important that everyone is on the same page with our inclusive core values. Were these suggestions to be taken on board? The situation would definitely improve.


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